Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Snack Attack

Sara here ~ When my kids get home from daycare they are starving. And that makes them cranky and whiny. Knowing that there is still at least a half hour to supper, I try to give them a snack. This often helps me enjoy my time with them after being away from them all day, and stops me from locking them all in the basement until supper is done.

However, the dilemma is always "what to give them for a snack." As I mentioned, supper is only a half hour away so I don't want them to fill up and not eat all these great meals we plan them. On the other side, I want to exorcise them of the hunger demons that have possessed their bodies. Plus I am harried and hurried and trying to prep the meal, so I don't want to spend 20 minutes getting a snack ready first.

I find that pre-planning snacks can be a good idea too. Have things ready in the cupboard or the fridge to offer them right away, and then get to work on the main meal. Cheese is a good option, as are berries, or other fruit. I also keep some nuts handy, as well as dried fruit. Just a glass of milk or juice can do the trick too. offers some great options for kids who need to snack.

Now - if I could only be so organized with my own snacks.

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